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Department of Mathematics Education

Department of Mathematics Education

"To the future with love and faith"

  • Education Building (U) #218
  • 042-829-7540
Department of Mathematics Education Introduction image

Department of
Mathematics Education

Introduction of Department

The Department of Mathematics Education is a department that nurtures excellent mathematics teachers in secondary schools by building specialized knowledge in mathematics and mathematics education. In addition, students will learn why and how to teach mathematics in secondary school, and what you will need when teaching mathematics to teachers as real teachers.

Educational Goal

Based on creative competence and emotional humanity, we aim to lead competent talents who can lead the future of secondary education and contribute to the development of mathematics education.


Ist Grade

Learn mainly in liberal arts and build the foundation through college mathematics.

2nd Grade

Teaching subjects, mathematics education, major courses, and algebra and basic subjects of interpretation are studied.

3rd Grade

Begin to learn about teaching courses, mathematics education, algebra among majors, advanced courses in interpretation subjects, and mathematics education courses.

4th Grade

Learn about the school site through school field practice and practice, and learn in-depth majors and mathematics education courses through educational research and seminar courses.