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Department of Applied Music

Apply for recruitment from 2021

Department of Applied Music

Unleash freedom in music

  • Music Building (F) #115
  • 042-829-7920
  • 042-829-7919
Department of Applied Music Introduction image

Department of
Applied Music

Introduction of Department

As a performer with expertise based on a broad understanding of popular music, we cultivate active and creative professional musicians who can utilize various elements of digital content and popular music for actual performance.

Through the practical training of one-on-one private lessons, students improve their individual playing skills, and through various theoretical education, they can systematically understand music through various theoretical education, and aim to complete basic skills and functions for each field of popular music for 4 years, and strenghtening job skills.

Educational Goal

We foster musicians with professioanl skill based on the performance of each individual, and actively create and perform popular music self-made songs and express their intentions in performance.


Ist Grade

The introductory course builds a comprehensive major foundation. By learning the basics of music, you will build a foundation as a major and learn about the reality of performance through one-on-one major lessons.

2nd Grade

Learn about the historical changes of music, and develop the ability to perform majors by understanding the deepening theory that has appeared to date in the process.

3rd Grade

Improves the application of practical performance paths based on theory, the ensemble of various genres, and even improvisation.

4th Grade

Composes popular music compositions suitable for each individual's musical preferences, records them through classes, and actually releases records.