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Department of Ceramic Design

Department of Ceramic Design

"Creating creative design skills and talents"

  • Fine Arts Building (G) #215
  • 042-829-7941
  • 042-829-7951
Department of Textile and Fashion Design Introduction image

Department of
Ceramic Design

Introduction of Department

It is a department that can develop three-dimensional and formative expression skills of traditional and modern ceramics through creative and active creative activities, and further achieve a visionary‘Ceramic designer’.

Educational Goal

The educational goal is to acquire systematic and in-depth academic theory and art and technical literacy through continuous research and development of curriculum and teaching methods. We do our best to nurture talents who can succeed and develop our ceramic culture.


Ist Grade

Basic literacy of major through liberal arts and basic basics

2nd Grade

Strengthening majors Strengthening the basics and areas of majors through wide area subjects

3rd Grade

Specialized subjects through cultural product development courses to develop majoring subjects

4th Grade

Cultivation of on-site, cooperative, and problem-solving skills through practical skills training courses